Goat days

 Goat days is a famous heart touching book of Benyamin. It is book containing the realist life of a pravasi who facing many trouble in gulf country and made to live with goats lacking food or water. when we going through this book tears will come to our eyes out of the tragic situation facing by the character. Once I read the malayalam version of this book again through the reflection took by one of my friend Sreelekshmi I got a very clear image  that character through more explanation and video clip.

Arundathi Roy's God of small things was another book took for reflection by Megha.A.S. It is story on the basis of kerala background. Arundathi Roy is a malayali who is a famous Indian English Novelist.

After that had Maya Mam class. Physical Science optional presented seminar on the topic of Types of Corruption. They all took it very well.

Then Planning forum club organized a programme a talk by medical officer Dr. Hema Francis connected to world day for safety and health at work.


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